What a hectic few days it’s been, and it’s exciting times ahead now as the long awaited brand new and purpose built studio is almost finished!
Work got under way at 5.30pm closing time on Saturday evening, and thanks to a team of skilled trades coming together, a lot of patience with so many people working together in such a confined space, some forward planning, and work days from 5am until 12pm, I’m delighted to say we were reopen for business on Tuesday morning! I got some very strange looks and raised eye brows from a few of the tradesmen when I answered “Tuesday morning” to their question, “when do you hope to open again?”
We now have a dedicated full time studio space in our Linen Green premises and I’m looking forward to setting it all up internally how I want it. I hope to have 8 very different and instantly usable backgrounds if all goes to plan. This will include a high key white at the flick of one switch on the studio wall, thanks to a couple of flash heads up in the roof, dedicated to lighting the background. No more metering and moving of lights on stands and adjusting power settings to get it right 🙂
Here’s a few photos of the ‘during construction’ process. I must admit it was more a case of hammer in hand than camera!