It should be summer, but weatherwise it’s not! The forecast looked good, we had a beautiful sunset the previous evening, but on this evening it wasn’t to be. It was cold, grey and overcast, and generally not June-like weather.
Thanks and full credit to Natasha, our model, who’s enthusiasm couldn’t be questioned. Even wanting to wear her shorts on a teeth chatteringly cold evening! The upshot of all this was that it gave me a great opportunity to try out my multiple light set-up I’ve been highly experimental with lately. This is where I use additional light(s), deliberately set to over expose to give the illusion of sunlight and summer where it doesn’t exist- making sunshine 🙂
Thanks to Catherine who did a great job as usual with Natasha’s make-up. The make-up application was done onsite at Springhill in an outbuilding near the carpark. On occasions they shared this building with the swallows who kept swooping in and out to keep an eye on proceedings! A bit later the frogs got in on the act too. In one of the images below where Natasha was in the long grass, she felt something very cold on her leg, and the first I knew about it was when she nearly jumped out of her skin. It turned out that Natasha has a bit of a frog fobia! It was a great laugh though 🙂

Springhill, near Moneymore is an absolutely idyllic location for photography. As mentioned above, Catherine did a professional fashion and photographic make-up application before Natasha’s photo session. This type of photo session is highly mobile and felxible, so if you’re based in and around the Cookstown, Moneymore, Magherafelt, Antrim or general mid-Ulster area, then get in touch with us if you would like this style of photography. If you are an aspiring model just starting out and require a portfolio starter session, an experienced model needing a portfolio update, or simply would like to treat yourself or a friend to a make-over photo shoot, then this is the perfect solution. Please contact us as we offer many competitive packages or to discuss your individual needs.